29 August 2012

EVERY Day is a School Day!

Folks keep asking me the inevitable, "So, when are you starting school with the girls?"

Starting?  We've never stopped.  Oh there has been the inevitable lag in book work (though they have been doing a math lesson or two a week all summer), but learning?  There's been oodles and oodles of that.

Girly-Girl has written four screen plays and is currently working on her fifth - all on hr own time.  She is also begging me to purchase a High School curriculum that promises to help her "write a complete adventure novel in a year".  She's only starting 7th grade!  She also spent her first time working an entire week as a drama team member for a week of Vacation Bible School.

Silly-Head has more or less taken over farm operations here.  She has STRONG opinions about goat care and breeding and milking.  She adores the goats and does a fabulous job of working with them.  It's been amazing to watch her work with the kids (we had triplet bucklings) and care for the does.  She's the first one to jump in to help when we need to administer medication, give shots, trim hooves, neuter or bathe the goats.  She is responsible, trustworthy, observant, compassionate, hardworking and self-motivated.

I'll take that over perfect grammar any day!

And there's more.  They've both been reading almost daily, listening to Adventures in Odyssey, discussing Biblical truths, making all manner of arts and crafts, learning to sew, and keeping up with their piano practice.

They've made and shown items in several fairs, worked together to film and edit the first of Girly-Girl's plays with their 4-H club (the movie is to be shown at the county 4-H end-of-year banquet!).  They've shown their does at 2 fairs and the girls and I all participated in a 2 day Civil War reenactment nearby.  This involved a whole lot of hand sewing and problem solving.  They learned several period games and crafts and taught them to children who attended the event.  They also sold lemonade and cake and had to make change.

They've discovered Roy Rogers, Bonanza, Gilligan's Island, and the Cosby Show.  They've camped and hiked and learned to have a good time even in the midst of hordes of mosquitoes.  They've worked hard in 4-H at growing in leadership skills.  They've cleaned house, cooked, and done laundry.  They've spent HOURS in the basement acting out their favorite stories and inventing costumes. 

In short, they've learned more this summer than they ever would have learned looking at textbooks.

Now I'm not saying this in order to brag.  I think my girls are bright, but they're not geniuses or prodigies.  They are, however, blooming educationally, morally, and physically by just living!  I think most children would do the same given the similar opportunities.

We love homeschooling!

And now September fast approaches.  School buses have begun their daily runs.  Moms have done all the back-to-school shopping.  People are getting back to their daily-grind schedules.  But we are not.  School for the next month shall be another adventure.

We are packing up the car and heading cross country - quite literally from ocean to ocean.  No movies, no computers, and probably very little air conditioning.  Just the Groovys and their camping gear, a AAA Triptick and a National Parks Pass.

It's going to be EPIC.  And I betcha we just might learn a thing or two!


Anonymous said...

You are amazing Sherry. I had the same views re. homeschooling as you when I did it with the boys. All days are schooling days. Making all things learning experiences. You do so well. I am proud of you and the girls who are wonderful young women. I love to see and hare of their adventures with you! Proud to know you Sher. Love ya! Sal

groovyoldlady said...

Awwww, Sal. You're making me blush!

Dawna said...

You ARE the grooviest Mom ever! Praying that some day we could do a coast to coast trip but until then we are enjoying the great outdoors in our wee backyard and learning each day like the girlies. When I began our homeschooling adventure it was all about textbooks, because that is all I knew. Well, seven years later we use a few text books but mostly classical literature to glean our education from along with lots of play time, exploring God's world, and enjoying our passions (photography, cooking, mud, worms, fire...). Praying for safe travels for the groovy family.
Love ya!

Carla Gade said...

I'm so glad you had the opportunity to travel on your homeschooling adventure. Sounds like the girls are doing fantastic! I think you should go ahead and get that novel writing curriculum. I'd like to have it myself!

Unknown said...

Hellooooo?? does anybody blog any more?