22 October 2010

Tag, Groovy is it! (And YOU are next!)

First, many thanks to my sweet friend, Tara for the new blog banner. If I wasn't such a mediocre blogger (and if Blogger.com didn't hate me), I'd probably be able to center it and actually change some of the colors, so my blog would be pretty and Fall-ish.

I've been tagged by Susan of Penless Writer. I'm to answer the following 8 questions made up by Susan, make up 8 questions of my own, and then tag 8 of you to answer my questions. I don't usually tag, but I may make an exception this time. ;-)

Sooooo, ready......... set .......... let's GO!!

#1. If money were no object what would you like to do that you've never been able to do or have always wanted to do? Tour Africa for several months -maybe even a year. I have friends in Morocco, Kenya, Botswana, and Swaziland. I would love, Love, LOVE to see them all and spend time in their world for a while.

#2. If you could have "do overs" what is the 1 thing you would never do again? And why? I've been married for 28 years to a wonderful man. I'd be ashamed to tell you, though, how many times I have not honored him but have, instead, undermined his authority in our home becasue I thought he was "wrong". After many years and MUCH prayer and study, I now know that God promises that He IS my husband's head and that when I don't trust my hubby, I am not trusting God to lead him. Even when my BHE makes mistakes or is rebellious, God can use that and the consequences that follow to correct him without my reminders (ie. nagging) or my secret disobedience, disregard, or disrespect. I must trust God to do what He says He will do!

#3. If you could have "do overs" what is the 1 thing you would want to be absolutely, positively sure you did again? And why? Spend a summer canoing and fishing with my son when he was 10-ish. That special summer was one of the best bonding times with Scout I've had to date!

#4 What is the worst fear? That the world's chocolate supply will fail entirely due to an alien invasion.

JUST KIDDING! My worst fear is actually that grandparent care will overwhelm us at some point. A silly fear, because I know that God will enable us to do what needs to be done. So hmmm, maybe that's more a dread than a fear. My biggest FEAR is death by suffocation. *shudder*

#5. What is your greatest joy? Seeing my children who do believe following the Lord.

#6. What is your life verse, or if you don't have one, your favorite Bible verse?

There are SO many, but Proverbs 3:5-6 ranks right up there: Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.

#7. What church do you attend? And why? If you do not attend a church, why not? We go a small, independant church in Podunk, Maine. We started coming here last November after sending over 17 years in another local fellowship. We still love that body of believers, but God was changing some of our ideas of worship away from the "big stage" of that large church. Our new fellowship is small, proactive, humble, and very centered on the Word of God. We love it there!

#8. If you knew you only have 1 year to live, what is the first thing you would do? Pray for God's wisdom on how to use that last year for HIM!

That was very fun.......now for the hard part....thinking up 8 questions I want answered.

1. What do you think are three top qualities to look for in a politician?

2. Which do you read more of, fiction or non-fiction? And please give us one awesome book recommendation while you're here...

3. What is your go-to outfit for dressy occasions? Describe it for us!

4. What song(s) do you want sung at your funeral? Why?

5. What is your favorite way to unwind?

6. Do you think you could live contentedly in a 2 room home (plus a bathroom, of course)? Why or why not?

7. What is your all-time favorite breakfast? (Come on now, make us drool!)

8. And lastly, are you gonna join me in participating in NaNoWriMo this November? (I hope so!)

Now comes the next hardest thing to do: picking 8 people to tag.

Ummmm, uhhhhhhhh, Oh fiddle, I HATE tagging. Tell ya what, if the questions intrigue you, help yourself. The only caveat is that you let me know you used the meme!


Susan said...

Thanks for participating Groovy. I loved your answers, especially #3 because I so agree with you and had to learn that lesson the hard way, too.

I love your questions!!! I may, at a later date, try and answer yours.

Thanks for your prayer support. I appreciate you so much!!!!

Lauri said...

Loved the answers!
And I have taken up your challenge because 1) I like your groovy questions and 2) I've been useless at my blog of late and am wanting to post more next week. I'll let you know when they're up. Thanks!!
And when you're rich, my door is open in Bots!(even if you're poor and happen upon air tickets)

Dawn said...

Good answers - I cheated and just answered them on the person's post who asked them of me - because I am in the middle of the series on the trip. I may go back and do it again.

I especially relate to the comment you made about grandparenting - it is totally exhausting, but necessary!

Marianne Arkins said...

Can I travel with you? *G*

I'm doing your meme on my blog tomorrow ... I think. That's the plan, anyway!