03 February 2018

Enough With the Research Already!

Well, I'm back.  I shall save you the boredom of catching up on all that's happened while I was away.  Suffice it to say I and the BHE are older, the girlies are older and we still have goats.  ;-)

I'm back because I keep feeling that gentle nudge from God to use the talent He's given me and WRITE!  Unfortunately, I seem to be one of those people who researches and researches and RESEARCHES, but never acts on what I study.   *sigh*

In my mind, I am a fitness and nutrition expert.  Ask me questions; I am ready for you!  And as a result, I have gained another 10 pounds over the past 3 years - and it ain't "all muscle".  NOT groovy!

I'm sure some of it is due to the hormone changes of menopause.  But the truth is, I read so much about exercising that I FEEL like I exercise enough.  And I read enough about a proper, healthy diet that I should be the poster child for clean eating.

Which is totally why I got up at 5am this morning to pore over doughnut recipes.

I also know a great deal about writing.  In fact, last year I taught a novel writing class to 4 teenagers.  The class was wonderful and all 5 of us made tremendous progress.  The girlies are still working on their stories.  Girly-girl's is a mystery and Silly-Head's is a fantasy.  One of the young men is writing an amazing sci-fi story and the other a fantasy/adventure thriller.

Mine is a Contemporary "Mom" story.  I was really enjoying hashing out all the details.  The kids LOVED my story line and kept begging me for updates.

But I haven't written a single word on it since the class ended.

Chalk up 3 half-written novels for Groovy.

However, I am not completely crippled by inertia.  I read the Bible pretty much daily and I have made progress in my walk with the Lord.  I am kinder.  I am more patient.  I am quicker to forgive others.  I am quicker to listen and just a little slower to open my big mouth.  And since that class never ends, I suspect I'll keep growing closer to Him.  Can I hear a hearty "Hallelujah!"?

I've also been watching some YouTube videos on organizing your home and Man!  You should see my closet!  And my kitchen cupboards!  And my purge piles!   Woot!!!!

Definite progress there!

(Do you need help organizing?  I HIGHLY recommend Cass at Clutterbug.  She's "amazeballs"!)

I also wanting to make a few extra bucks for pocket money and found a perfect fit for me - Mystery Shopping.  I researched, I found the idea and some reputable companies and BAM; I am a Mystery Shopper.  Such fun!  I get to use my acting skills and channel my inner reporter so corporations can get an insight into how their local branches are doing.  I'm in charge of how much I work and which places I choose to "shop".  So it's just right por moi.

And this is where I insert a skillful segue.  Sadly, I am out of practice - so on to the point I am making.  You do realize there is a point to all these words, right?

A short time ago, the Lord made it clear to me that fitness and writing are things I can do.  Some things in my life I cannot change.  Some selfish dreams need to go out the window.  But writing and fitness are things I CAN do and CAN change.  These ARE within my grasp.  And even knowing that, I find myself sandbagging, holding back, finding excuses for NOT writing, NOT exercising, NOT choosing brussel sprouts.

And then...a simple request, out of the blue.  I found a private message on my favorite goat forum - which I was going to quote right here.  However, I can't find the message now.  Probably because I have not yet researched how to find private messages on The Goat Spot.  Hmmmm.

Well, the gist of it was that a fellow goat lover had stumbled on my blog and really liked it.  However, she was sad that I had not posted for years.  When was I going to start writing again?

When AM I going to start writing again?

Now.  I am starting NOW.  Today.

Keep coming back, friends.  Because Groovy is writing again!!!!!

And I'll start my diet right after I finish this doughnut.

Baby steps!


anno said...

Welcome back, Groovy! And thanks for all the updates! It is good to see you posting again, and I'm looking forward to future updates on #fitnessgoals, #writinggoals, the girls, the goats, and everything else going on in your wonderful groovy world...

groovyoldlady said...

Anno! I love you! You are so faithful. Thanks for coming back!