Lordy, Lordy!
Am I exhausted. and my hand hurts. and I have blisters. and my shoulder hurts.
But the carpet is CLEAN, thankyouverymuch.
(stupid carpet!)
(stupid dirt!)
I have a story - a blog entry - but I am too bushed to type it right now. Besides that, I feel a bit nervous and edgy. All the furniture is piled in the dining room behind me and I can feel that somehow it is not happy. Menacing vibes are crawling up the back of my neck.
I'm going to go soak in the tub before I get lambasted by a lamp or clubbed by a rocker.
Poor Groovy!
Take it easy.
Hard work, but what a good feeling when it's done! So - did you know that furniture piece was out there in cyberspace somewhere? Too funny!
Only you, girl, only you!
I am so impressed you cleaned the rug yourself. Those machines are tough to use. Go and put your feet up!
It all started with a cup of coffee. Who knew that coffee could cause so much pain (other than spilling it in your lap).
I do hope the monster furniture hasn't eaten you up by now! hehe Awwww, poor you, I'm sure Mulletman is feeling VERY badly about spilling his coffee and you having to work so hard to clean it up!!! On the other hand, maybe it was an omen that your carpet needed cleaning? lol I cringe anyone spilling anything on mine because I know I'd end up having to do what you did! Ouch! I sent your bag clips yesterday, finally got a padded envelope to send it in! xoxo
AW those muppets, I'd forgotten how I used to look forward to The Muppet Show each week! This was the perfect video for your demise. Hope you're still with us and haven't been eaten by any furniture.
Hm, the furniture has legs,it should just walk itself back to place, right?
Don't we wish...
I know first hand how much work that involves! Hope you're not too sore tomorrow!
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