While I'm busy dashing about, I'd like to share our family Christmas letter with you all. It's weird how much all you invisible people mean to me - kinda like my stable of invisible horses back in third grade except you folks send cards and gifts and pray for me and laugh at my jokes and make me feel loved.
Invisible horses pale in comparison.
To You, From Groovy:
Dearest Friends, Acquaintances, and Internetherworld Comrades,
In the true spirit of Christmas cheer I contemplated sending you a rousing regalement of all the Groovy happenings in our household. However, it occurs to me that such a narration would be redundant because I've already elucidated these events on my blog at http://groovybell.blogspot.com/ which I am SURE that all of you read faithfully and thoroughly every day (cough!).
Therefore, in lieu of the usual Christmas letter of how brilliant my children are (though I assure you I would not exaggerate even one iota), I shall instead share with you many of the things that did NOT happen this year.
First of all, none of us have cancer, brain injuries, STDs, blindness, deafness, or broken limbs, and none of the younger clan members have heart problems. None of us suffers from autism, ADHD, or mental health issues.
We've had no house fires, car wrecks, or major catastrophes. Our house has not been repossessed and we have no debts other than our mortgage. Our cars have not had any major mechanical difficulties and my husband has not lost his job.
Our parents have not died or been admitted to hospitals or nursing homes, nor have they needed any in-home nursing care.
Our son the new soldier has NOT been sent overseas to war (yet).

Our eldest daughter has not grown disenchanted with her year-old marriage - in fact, quite the opposite!

The woodpeckers have not destroyed our siding and no squirrels are living in our attic or chimney. Our blueberry bushes have not died; neither has our poison ivy. ;-)
Our heating oil money has not run out, nor the money to fuel up our cars.
My internet service has not gone all wonky on me, nor has my fabulosa iMac. (Please, let's NOT discuss the camera…)
Our adorable little girls are not greedy, selfish, or mean and they do not fight or disobey (most of the time.)

Our church has not collapsed into a frenzy of infighting or scandal or debt, nor have our leaders departed from the truth of God's Word.
"Global warming" has not stopped the New England seasons from seasoning nor the great Maine outdoors from being glorious.
My wonderful husband and I are neither distant, disgruntled nor divorced.

The sun has not stopped shining and the world has not stopped spinning.
In short, God has not forsaken us nor left us unblessed.
I hope and pray that as you recount all the many things that haven't happened to you and yours, you will praise God for His watch-care over you and that you will fully realize His love for you.
Merry Christmas to all you very groovy people!
In Christ's Love,
"Behold the virgin shall be with child, and shall bear a Son, and they shall call Him Immanuel, " which translated means, "God with us." [Matthew 1:23]
In a final note, look what my dear friend Mammy bought me as a belated birthday gift for my Blue Phrog Collection:

Isn't it awesome? He definitely lends some class to my roll top desk!
Merry Christmas my groovy friend to you and yours!
Perhaps you should also be thankful for not trying to deep fry peanut butter... it's not a pretty sight.
Thankyou Groovy for sharing your life through your blog, it's a daily must read for me.
Oh and thank you for the blessing, I'll use it wisely.
Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones.
You've been tagged!
May the joy that comes with Christmas Day remain with you throughout the year!! Merry Christmas dear friend. xoxo
I really love this letter. Thanks for sharing these wonderful "have nots" with us.
I have been blessed with your cyber friendship this year. Looking forward to 2008 together.
What a wonderful letter! And what a treat it has been to discover you this year!
Merry Christmas!
great to see the fotos!!!
Merry Christmas, dear Groovy. I am constantly inspired by your positive attitude and your unwavering faith. Thank you!
It was a beautiful letter. I'm so glad you sent it along with your Christmas card.
Merry Christmas, my Groovy friend! It's been wonderful getting to know you and your family!
You are too funny, so true, what has not happened to us is significant! Merry Christmas (very late, I just found your blog) and Happiness all throughout 2008!
Born in Maine? Living in Maine?
I am living in exile!!!
LID 01/27/06
I'm so glad none of those things happened to your groovy family. May they not happen in 2008 either!
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