By the way, it happened again today. I was in line at the post office and this lady kept staring at me. Finally, she tapped me on the arm, "Excuse me" she said, "But aren't you that...that GIRL? You know (as if I didn't), that one who SINGS??? at the CHURCH???"
By now several other people were staring.
I smiled and siad, "Yes Ma'am. I sing on the worship team at FEFC."
"I KNEW IT!" she cried, "But I wasn't sure at first because I always thought your hair was black."
My hair has never been black, but considering all those

Anyhoo, here I go. I'm giving myself one hour to sip tea and visit all of you. I probably won't make it to everyone today, but if I miss ya today, I'll get over there tomorrow.
Now if I can just figure out where to squeeze in a 3 hour ride...
Wow, so you have the ability to read things with your eyes closed? You really ARE groovy, Groovy!
(If that was me in that picture, the tea would be spilled down my front and there would be drool...)
You are way way too busy! Thanks for honoring me with a visit and comment - I don't do cakes any more, but it was sure fun while it lasted. In fact, I have no actual memory of making all of those cakes (except maybe the first two). I'm sure I took pictures!
Oh Groovy - - - you look WIPED OUT in that chair. Kinda like a school teacher at the end of the school year!!!
I would be putting that mug on the table and snoozing if I had enough time to take tea.
In fact, I'm trying to figure out how to take a snooze here at my desk at work. Which I will likely end up doing when I'm done visiting everyone on my list this morning!
Good luck on squeezing in a ride.
You hoo. tap tap tap. (walks off)
You'll be getting asked for autographs next. You obviously have a lovely voice. Enjoy your rest.
Helping Grandma like that is ministry!!! Praise you for it. Thanks for your comment....I passed it on to the Hearts In "1" Accord prayer group to pray for your request. God honors what you spoke today, Groovy.
I agree with Susan...helping your grandmother is a ministry!
And're still getting called a "girl"! We're close to the same age, and believe me, this is a good thing! :)
Oh honey, you need some TLC. I'll be right over. (Oh if it were only that easy!)
You deserve some TLC for you take great care of others, and because you fought off satan and his temptation earlier this evening when you visited my blog. I just had to hop over here to make sure you were as spiritually strong as you suggested. Whew! Was I ever relieved to NOT see that photo of moi! Good girl Groovy!
Something similar happened to me today ... except I was having a wardrobe malfunction and a bit of cleavage was showing when a person recognized me from church. Yay me@
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