I didn't think I liked brussel sprouts at all. They had a very high "Eeeew" factor in my mind's inner food discussions. But a few months back a friend posted an unusual recipe on her blog for oven-roasting sprouts.
I have oven-roasted other vegetables and LOVED them. The heat carmelizes them and give the veggies a wonderful crisp/chewy texture. Suddenly my scientific interests were awakened. Could the loathsome brussel sprouts be transformed into a healthy and tasty treat?
Last week I went grocery shopping. The list read, "fruit, milk, yogurt, baby carrots, chcocolate". There was no mention of brussel sprouts, not even a thought of brussel sprouts.
But when I checked out, there was a pound of fresh sprouts in my cart. I was surprised to see them, but undaunted. This would be my oportunity to try them again, roasted.
I discussed my plans with my Mom and she said, "NO! DON'T DO IT! They will give you horrible GAS!"
What 43 year-old still listens to her mother?
The sprouts tasted absolutely and shockingly delicious so I ate 3+ servings thereof.
And I rode my bike the next day.
Eating brussel sprouts the day before a long bike ride will not result in the hoped for jet propulsion of one's bike. It will, however do a credible job of protecting the rider from dog attacks. The ride was...miserable.
Mom, I'm sorry for not listening. You were right!
Support the American Lung Association!
According to the website COPD-Alert.com, COPD is THE fourth (soon to be third) most common cause of death and the fifth most common cause of disability IN THE WORLD!?
COPD or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease consists of Emphysema and Chronic Bronchitis. Have you seen folks walking around with their little oxygen tanks in tow? They have COPD.
I want to be a part of the solution, so in mid-June Mulletman and I are going to ride in the Trek Across Maine, a bike-riding fundraiser for Maine's chapter of the American Lung Association. We'll be riding 180 miles over three days time with the hopes of raising $1,000 each to fight lung disease.
If you'd like to help with a tax-deductable contribution toward our goal, we'd be most grateful!
You can contribute at Groovy's Fundraising Page
or Mulletman's Fundraising Page
I also will send hugs and kisses to anyone who links to my blog, pointing out this fundraiser. Mwa to Marianne for already doing so!
Roasted Brussel Sprouts (This is the recipe I used. It's spicy, but quite yummy!)
1 and 1/2 pounds brussel sprouts (I only used 1 pound which may be why they were so spicy.)
3 TBL olive oil
1/2 tsp each of garlic powder, salt, black pepper, and dried sage.
Cut the bottom off each sprout and split them in two.
Toss the cut sprouts with the oil.
Stir all the spices together and then toss the sprouts with the mixture.
Arrange the sprouts in a single layer on a baking pan and bake at 400ºF. for 25 minutes.
A "Random" Update:
So far, Michelle is the onliest person who seems to be brave enough to allow me to assign her some "randomized" questions. Is there anyone else out there bold enough? Let me know in my comments if you are. I'll be posting the questions on Monday.
People seem very hesitate to participate in the Randon Questions. I had only 2 on mine. Must be the "unknown" factor of not seeing the questions before committing to it.
I love brussel sprouts... just not three helpings ;-)
As you can see, I'm still trying to play catch up with everyone!! Hey, you know what they say, Mama knows best! hehe I only started eating brussel sprouts just over a year ago and love them now...never tried them roasted but with the help of your recipe, will give them a try!! The very best of luck to you and Mulletman in raising lots of money for the American Lung Association...I always support the Canadian Lung Association over here:-) xoxo
I'll pass on the brussel sprouts, cause they pass (gas) on me too! LOL I might pass the recipe along though, thanks!
Hope you have a great weekend!
Okay, I'll bite. (maybe even try Brussels Sprouts with your recipe). Are you old enough to remember the Leave it to Beaver where he had to eat his sprouts or they couldn't go to the basketball game (all dressed up in suits and ties)? He hid them in his pockets. Poor Beaver.
ROFLOL! You are a hoot!(toot?)
I laughed so hard and so LOUD! My 9 year old came running into my den hollering "What is it mom, what is it?" so I just had to read it to him! He laughed as hard as I did of course!I'm so happy I have found your blog!
BTW: I loved how, in a different post, you kept referring to the importance of "renewing our minds". Scripture is the key!
When I saw that you had a brussel sprouts recipes, I wondered if I could eat them or if they'd give the baby gas... I'm glad there are godly women who have treked before me! That would have been one unhappy baby :)
Groovy, thanks for your hilarious and encouraging comments to my posts! I was never a brussels sprouts fan because my stepmother always just dumped them out of a can onto our plates ... fresh with some herbs and stuff is probably way better.
BTW, I donated to your Trek Across Maine!
Woo, Groovy! I'm coming to you from April's blog, where she's hosting her very own Delicious Domingo and highlighted this post of yours.
Good luck on that trek across Maine!
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